Strand Baptist Church consents to the great creeds that unite all Christians throughout time and space. One such creed - The Apostles Creed - summarizes beliefs that have been historically held by all the faithful since the 1st century:
The Apostles Creed:
Building upon this we have further convictions expressed in our Statement of Faith below. This statement steers the theology and preaching at Strand Baptist Church. We welcome all to worship with us, theological differences aside. Nonetheless, we require that church members agree to our Statement of Faith and for ministers to teach in accordance with it. A downloadable version of our complete constitution is also available here. On the BibleWe believe in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments in their original writings as fully inspired of God, and accept them as the final authority for faith and life (II Timothy 3:15 - 17; John 15:3 and 20:31).
On the True GodWe believe in One Eternal Triune God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit (I John 5:7; I Timothy 1:17 and 3:16; Matthew 28:19).
On ManWe believe that God created mankind male and female, in His own image; that man sinned and thereby incurred the penalty of death, physical and spiritual; that all human beings inherit a sinful nature (Genesis 1:26 and 5:1; Romans 3:23 and 5:12 - 21).
On Jesus ChristWe believe that Jesus Christ was begotten by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, true God and true man. (Luke 1:26 - 35 and 2:6 - 14; Matthew 1:18 - 25). We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ died for our sins, as a substitutionary sacrifice, according to the Scriptures, and that all who believe in Him are justified on the ground of His shed blood (Romans 5:8 - 11; I Peter 2:24; Romans 3:23 - 26). We believe in the bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, His ascension into heaven, and His present Life as our High Priest and Advocate (Matthew 28:1 - 10; Luke 24:1 - 12; 24:39 - 43; Acts 1:3 and 9; Hebrews 4:14 - 16; 7:23 - 28; 9:24).
On the Holy SpiritWe believe in the person of the Holy Spirit, His regenerating work and abiding presence in every Christian (John 15:26;3:5-8; 16:7-14; Acts 2:2 - 4; 1 John 5:7-10).
On the New LifeWe believe that all who receive the Lord Jesus Christ by faith are born again of the Holy Spirit and thereby become the children of God (John 3:1-21; Titus 3:5-7; Acts 2:38, 39).
On BaptismWe believe that baptism is the immersion of the believer in water as an outward sign of an inward work wrought by the Holy Spirit in the believer; and is symbolic of the believer’s identification with the Lord Jesus Christ in His death, burial and resurrection to a new life (Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 2:38; 8:36-38; 16:33; Luke 7:29, 30; Romans 6:1-11).
On the Lord's SupperWe believe that the Lord’s Supper is the partaking of bread and wine as symbols of the Saviour’s broken body and shed blood in remembrance of His sacrificial death until He comes (I Corinthians 10:16-22; 11:23-24).
On the True ChurchWe believe that the one true Church is the whole company of those who have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour, thus redeemed by Him and regenerated by the Holy Spirit; and that the local church on earth should take its character from this concept of the church spiritual and therefore, that the new birth and personal confession of Christ are essentials of Church membership. (II Corinthians 5:17-18; Romans 12:1, 2; James 4:4; I John 5:18-20; Romans 10:9-10).
On Holy LivingWe believe that all Christians are called to a life of holiness and devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ and for service for Him, for which we are exhorted to be “filled with the Holy Spirit” (Ephesians 5:25 - 27; I Thessalonians 4:3, 7, 8; 5:23, 24; Acts 1:8; Ephesians 5:18).
On PriesthoodWe believe in the priesthood of all believers giving each believer direct and unmediated access to Christ as the Head of the Church (John 10:14-15, 27; I Peter 2:9; Revelation 1:5, 6; 5:10; 20:6).
On MarriageWe believe that God has sanctioned marriage between a man and a woman, therefore we believe in heterosexual relationships between a natural man and a natural woman within the confines of lawful matrimony. Adherence to this stated principle of sexual behaviour is an inherent requirement for membership with the SBC (Genesis 2:20: Matthew 19:4-6; 1 Corinthians 7:2).
On Christ's ReturnWe believe in the personal and visible return of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 24:30, 31; 24:42; Acts 1:9 - 11; I Thessalonians 4:14 - 18; Revelation 22:12).
On Future JudgementWe believe in the resurrection of the just and the unjust, the eternal blessedness of the redeemed, and the eternal punishment of those who have rejected or neglected the offer of salvation (Acts 24:15, 16; John 5:28, 29; I Corinthians 15: 35 - 44; Matthew 25:46; Hebrews 2:3, 4).
Sunday Worship 9:00am | We welcome you to join us!
Office HoursM-F: 8am - 12:30pm
Telephone021 854 6869